What is ISO 37001

Corruption and bribery are serious problems affecting local markets, but also global business activities.

Therefore, the benefits of ISO 37001, the international standard that proposes the requirements for implementing an anti-corruption management system, acquires great importance.

Possession of the certification aims to demonstrate that the organization has implemented adequate measures to detect and prevent corruption and in particular:

– the adoption of an Anti-Corruption Policy;
– the involvement of top management;
– identification of the Compliance Manager;
– the assessment of corruption risks;
– due diligence on projects and commercial partners based on the identified risks;
– carrying out financial and commercial controls;
– the adoption of procedures for reporting and investigating the phenomenon of corruption

The ISO 37001 certification is the tool to achieve a reputational increase with respect to the Legality Rating perceived by all the interested parties with which the organization comes into contact.